Sunday, August 17, 2014

The baby Bluejay

In the past week or so we have noticed more Bluejays coming in to feed. In the family group of Bluejays we noticed that three or four of them were at different stages of growth. Several times we had tried to capture them on camera. They are very elusive, if we made any movement at all they would scatter to the grape vines that are growing in the trees around our area. As soon as we would get the camera out they would not come near enough to allow us to take a picture.

Finally, we had the camera set and hidden so they would not notice, one in particular come into the feeding system, allowing us to capture the bald headed baby. The wonders of life happening from the viewing point of our porch. AMAZING!

Wednesday, July 30, 2014


While sitting on the porch, we watched a catbird come to the fountain and take a bath in the water. The catbird dipped in the water several times, splashing the water and shaking its wings up over its head, the show in front of us was quite amazing to see. Soon after the bathing display we watched the catbird soaking wet, fly over to the grass clippings we had in a pile. It laid out spreading its whole body out to be sunned.  The show that happens from our porch is so amazing!

Monday, June 23, 2014

Downy Woodpecker

The things we see out our window never cease to amaze me! I was making the morning coffee and looked out the window and notice a Downy Woodpecker going into the birdhouse we had placed on the post just above the door of the porch. Wondered how long they had been nesting there?  I got my cup of coffee and went to the porch the Downy Woodpecker flew over to the tree for the crunchy peanut butter we had put there. Soon it was joined by a baby looking to be fed. 

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Snapping Turtle

We have been planting and working in our garden for a while now. Yesterday we had planted cucumber seeds in a 2 x 2 box.  Today we went to work in the garden, and guess what had come up? A Snapping Turtle laying her eggs in the same box we had planted the cucumbers. We were careful not to disturb her, we were able to get the camera and get a couple of photos of her. She is the second Snapping Turtle to visit us this week. The first one laid her eggs at the end of our driveway. Both of the Turtles were about the same size, we think they came from the swap that is across the road from us.

Saturday, June 7, 2014

Rose-breasted Grosbeak

We have had at least four of the rose-breasted grosbeaks in eating sunflower seeds. They seem friendly and not to worried about us walking around on the porch. We hope they stay with us.

The baby House Sparrows have arrived with their parents. Six or seven it was hard to count looked like two families. They were peeping and fluttering their little wings calling for food from Mom and Dad. What a site to see.

Thursday, May 29, 2014

Bird On A Mission!

One afternoon while sitting on the porch, we observed a Morning Dove sitting in the feeder tray on top of the feeder system, by the fountain. Eating and not paying attention to anything except the seed. A Sparrow flew in and landed on the vine next to the feeder system to check things out. The Sparrow flew to the feeder system and was looking at the Morning Dove in the tray. He hopped down the vine that is attached to the system head first.  I was thinking to myself  "No way! he's not going to do what I am thinking". Well, he sure did, he pecked a feather out of the Morning Dove's butt and flew off. That was just the nesting material he needed. The Morning Dove looked around stunned. What just happened? I've been mugged!

Sunday, May 25, 2014


We are so pleased that a pair of bluebirds have taken a box in the lawn next to the grapes near the porch. We have been able to observe them taking in nesting material and guarding the area. The female hangs out in the nest box door way, we hope there are eggs.